Phraseanet is a DAM system, a Digital Asset Management solution.
It’s aimed to all professionals who need a powerful tool to secure the management and broadcast of their images, videos, sounds and other multimedia or office documents.
Installed either on a local or remote server, it runs through a Web browser.
The user must have a computer equipped with internet and a recent internet browser. JavaScript support must be activated and Adobe Flash Player plug-in installed.
The user must also have a valid email address.
On Windows PC, Internet Explorer 9 is the minimum recommended version.
Phraseanet is a complete system to archive, organize and broadcast multimedia documents.
The solution is based on seven interfaces (or modules), accessible from the main menu bar, depending on the user rights:
Phraseanet Production is the most important interface for many users. This interface is complete and allows to import, edit, search, display and organize, share and broadcast media documents.
As a collaborative interface, Phraseanet Lightbox allows to view and/or download specific documents sent by Phraseanet users. Validation features allows to know users feedback on the media.
See also
To send, share, compare documents in Phraseanet Lightbox, refer to the section dedicated to Push and Validation.
Available only from the Production interface, Phraseanet Upload allows rightful users to import media and documents in Phraseanet from their hard drive. This upload manager allows to transfer media without using a third party FTP tool.
See also
Refer to the section dedicated to upload documents.
Admin is a user interface allowing to manage and monitor the application, create Phraseanet bases and collections, declare documentary structures, create users and manage their rights.
Thesaurus creation and management is possible in Phraseanet. Along the management of generic and specific keywords, the Phraseanet Thesaurus handles synonyms and linguistic relations. It is really useful to Phraseanet utilization.
Using Statistics, Phraseanet Report gives a detailed view of a Phraseanet system activity and sums up some users behaviour. A datamine to optimize the access to the assets and know better users’s habits.
See also
Refer to the section Statistics for a presentation of this module.