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Phraseanet Documentation

Migration of Phraseanet data to Docker orchestrated by Docker-Compose


Phraseanet Docker stack up and running. For more information on how to install Phraseanet with Docker go to

A dump of the application box and databoxes of the Phraseanet install you wish to migrate (“db_name_of_the_databox”).

A backup of the following directories:

  • “download” inside the ./tmp of your Phraseanet source directory
  • “lazaret” inside the ./tmp of your Phraseanet source directory
  • “custom” inside the ./config of your Phraseanet source directory
  • “datas” located by default inside the source of Phraseanet but can be located inside a seperate volume depending on your setup

A backup of your previous configuration file (config/configuration.yml).

Migrate Lazaret, download, custom and datas directories

Copy your lazaret, download, custom and datas directories to the new destination on your Phraseanet fresh install (take note of the path define inside your env.local file).


cp -r ~/Phraseanetv.4.0/datas/ ~/Phraseanetv.4.1/datas/


When copying datas directly inside the fpm container, the operation should be performed as the user app:app.

Importing application box and databoxes

Import the ab and dbs to the mysql container using the following commands:


docker exec -i <mysql_container_id> mysql -uuser -ppass <ab_name_of_the_applicationbox_to_import>.sql < <db_name_of_the_applicationbox_to_import>.sql


docker exec -i <mysql_container_id> mysql -uuser -ppass <db_name_of_the_databox_to_import>.sql < <db_name_of_the_databox_to_import>.sql

Apply the changes to the newly imported ab and dbs to reflect the configuration inside your env.local:

On the ‘Sbas’ table in the application box report the changes made inside the env.local in accordance to the env variables:

docker exec -i <mysql_container_id> mysql -uuser -ppass -e "USE <ab_name>; UPDATE sbas SET host='db', dbname='dbname', user='user', pwd='pwd';"

Change the storage path to reflect the paths defined inside your env.local on your dbs:

docker exec -i <mysql_container_id> mysql -uuser -ppass -e "USE <db_name_of_the_databox>; UPDATE subdef SET path=REPLACE(path,'<OLD_PATH>','<NEW_PATH>');"
docker exec -i <mysql_container_id> mysql -uuser -ppass -e "USE <db_name_of_the_databox>; UPDATE pref SET value=REPLACE(value,'<OLD_PATH>','<NEW_PATH>') WHERE prop='structure';"

Set the key and the application box name inside the configuration file

Copy and pass the key from the older configuration.yml file inside the newly created configuration file:

nano config/configuration.yml
    key: mysecretkey


dbname: <ab_name>

Then compile the configuration from the worker container. You might have to upgrade the application before generating the configuration-compiled.php, see the “Upgrade the application” section to do so.

dc -f docker-compose.yml run --rm worker bin/console comp:conf

Upgrade the application

Launch the “builder” container and lauch the upgrade:

dc -f docker-compose.yml run --rm worker bin/setup system:upgrade

Launch the populate of the index

You can then populate the index using the builder container with:

dc -f docker-compose.yml run --rm worker bin/console searchengine:index -p