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Phraseanet Documentation

Stories Add


Adds a new stories.

Requires Authentication Yes
Content-Type application/json


Parameters are json encoded and must be passed in the body of the request.

Many stories can be created in one request, so the “stories” parameter is an array of stories :

Parameters Type Information
title string The title of the story
base_id integer The base_id, as returned by route Databox Collections
    "stories": [
            "title": "Story 1",
            "base_id": 494,
            "title": "Story 2",
            "base_id": 495

Optional Parameter : Metadatas

Metadata can be set to the created story, fields can be specified by name or id (as returned by the route Databox Metadatas) :

Parameters Type Information
metadatas object
fields to set
- key : field name or field id
- value : field value, can be an array for multivalued field
    "title": "Story 1",
    "base_id": 494,
    "metadatas": {
        "City": "Paris",
        "Country": "France",
        "7": "John",
        "Keywords": [
            "Eiffel tower",
            "Champs Elysées",
            "Arc de Triomphe"

Optional Parameter : Story records / Story cover

Each story to be created can be filled with existing records :

Parameters Type Information
databox_id integer The databox_id of the record to insert into story
record_id integer The record_id of the record to insert into story
use_as_cover boolean Whether to use this record as a cover for the story
    "title": "Story 1",
    "base_id": 494,
    "story_records": [
            "databox_id": 3,
            "record_id": 209,
            "databox_id": 3,
            "record_id": 210,
            "use_as_cover": true


Only a record of type “image” can be used as a cover for a story, but to ease selection of cover, the “use_as_cover” parameter can be set to many (all) records : The first record of type “image” will be elected. If no record can be elected as a cover source, this will silent fail and the created story will display the default “folder” thumbnail.

Response sample

    "meta": {
        "api_version": "1.4.1",
        "request": "POST /api/v1/stories",
        "response_time": "2015-04-22T13:31:46+02:00",
        "http_code": 200,
        "error_type": null,
        "error_message": null,
        "error_details": null,
        "charset": "UTF-8"
    "response": {
        "stories": [