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Phraseanet Documentation

Embed Substitute


Substitutes (or adds) an embed file (subdef) to a record. Allows to inject an embed file built out of Phraseanet when a document has been added with the parameter “nosubdefs”.


See also

Add record

Requires Authentication Yes


Parameter Type Information
file file Mandatory - The embed file to add/replace
databox_id integer Mandatory - Id of the databox containig the record to be changed
record_id integer Mandatory - Id of the record to be changed
name string Mandatory - The name of the subdef to change (as defined in the databox structure)
adapt integer Optional - 0 : keep the uploaded file ‘as is’ ; 1 [default] : adapt the file to the settings (size, type, ...) defined in the structure.


The adapt parameter is intended only for image type documents.

Response samples

    "meta": {
        "api_version": "1.4.1",
        "request": "POST /api/v1/embed/substitute/",
        "response_time": "2015-04-22T19:16:24+02:00",
        "http_code": 200,
        "error_type": null,
        "error_message": null,
        "error_details": null,
        "charset": "UTF-8"
    "response": {
        "0": {
            "name": "preview",
            "substituted": true,
            "created_on": "2015-02-23T11:23:40+01:00",
            "updated_on": "2015-04-22T19:16:24+02:00",
            "permalink": {
                "created_on": "2015-04-14T11:24:59+02:00",
                "id": 847,
                "is_activated": true,
                "label": "IMG_5281",
                "updated_on": "2015-04-14T11:24:59+02:00",
                "page_url": "http://domain.tld/permalink/v1/3/230/preview/?token=2dXGRr5P",
                "download_url": "http://domain.tld/permalink/v1/3/230/preview/IMG_5281.?token=2dXGRr5P&download=1",
                "url": "http://domain.tld/permalink/v1/3/230/preview/IMG_5281.?token=2dXGRr5P"
            "height": 16,
            "width": 16,
            "filesize": 60,
            "devices": [
            "player_type": "IMAGE",
            "mime_type": "image/gif"
        "adapt": false


because subdefs are resized asynchronously, no information about the embed can be returned if “adapt”:true is specified.

    "meta": {
        "api_version": "1.4.1",
        "request": "POST /api/v1/embed/substitute/",
        "response_time": "2015-04-22T19:16:24+02:00",
        "http_code": 200,
        "error_type": null,
        "error_message": null,
        "error_details": null,
        "charset": "UTF-8"
    "response": {
        "adapt": true

See also

Records Embed