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Phraseanet Documentation

Phraseanet Monitor


Returns Phraseanet configuration for monitoring.

Requires Authentication Yes


No parameters for this route

Response Fields

Field Description
phraseanet Phraseanet installation information
cache The cache information
global_values The configuration variables

Response sample

  "meta": {
    "api_version": "2.0.0",
    "request": "GET /api/v1/monitor/phraseanet/",
    "response_time": "2021-07-02T15:32:25+02:00",
    "http_code": 200,
    "error_type": null,
    "error_message": null,
    "error_details": null,
    "charset": "UTF-8"
  "response": {
    "phraseanet": {
      "version": {
        "name": "Buxus",
        "number": "4.1.3"
      "environment": "prod",
      "debug": false,
      "maintenance": false,
      "errorsLog": false,
      "serverName": ""
    "cache": {
      "main": {
        "type": "redis",
        "online": true,
        "stats": {
          "hits": false,
          "misses": false,
          "uptime": 86676690,
          "memory_usage": 12510208,
          "memory_available": false
      "op_code": {
        "type": "array",
        "online": true,
        "stats": {
          "hits": 0,
          "misses": 0,
          "uptime": 1625232745,
          "memory_usage": null,
          "memory_available": null
      "doctrine_metadatas": null,
      "doctrine_query": null,
      "doctrine_result": {
        "type": "redis",
        "online": true,
        "stats": {
          "hits": false,
          "misses": false,
          "uptime": 86676690,
          "memory_usage": 12510208,
          "memory_available": false
    "global_values": {
      "serverName": "",
      "title": "Demo Phraseanet",
      "keywords": "phrasea, phraseanet, alchemy,dam, phototheque, photo, photographie, photography, demo,Digital asset Management",
      "description": "Site de demo du logiciel Phraseanet",
      "httpServer": {
        "phpTimezone": "Europe/Paris",
        "siteId": "PhraseanetIVDemo",
        "defaultLanguage": "fr",
        "allowIndexing": true,
        "modes": {
          "XsendFile": false,
          "XsendFileMapping": [],
          "h264Streaming": false,
          "authTokenDirectory": null,
          "authTokenDirectoryPath": null,
          "authTokenPassphrase": null
      "maintenance": {
        "alertMessage": "The application is down for maintenance",
        "displayMessage": false
      "webServices": {
        "googleApi": true,
        "googleAnalyticsId": "UA-3475486-6",
        "i18nWebService": "",
        "recaptacha": {
          "active": null,
          "publicKey": "",
          "privateKey": ""
        "youtube": {
          "active": true,
          "clientId": "",
          "clientSecret": "IyGbMKG0MtkPC2vkpAWay_0f",
          "devKey": "AI39si41k9lBXIOB81HbzezvzQ0k4EE9RvRQq2is4r_UvcfZvxU_Az8VKPJnaQBu_4tYod0eJpYzkuenSqeq5_dcZCDB93u3Uw"
        "flickr": {
          "active": true,
          "clientId": "619fd87254fb1f70b1c6ed042cdd99b3",
          "clientSecret": "b13cc4d7ce1eee82"
        "dailymtotion": {
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          "clientId": "1c0d55ee32873e880e35",
          "clientSecret": "6e2f506e35aabac1bc3e9d0b57979c6ceb0df1b1"
      "navigator": {
        "active": true
      "office-plugin": {
        "active": true
      "homepage": {
        "viewType": "GALLERIA"
      "report": {
        "anonymous": false
      "storage": {
        "documents": "/space/ofs/demo/datas"
      "searchEngine": {
        "configuration": {
          "defaultQuery": "",
          "defaultQueryType": 0,
          "minChar": 1
        "engine": {
          "type": "ElasticSearch",
          "status": [
              "You Know, for Search"
          "configuration": null
      "binary": {
        "phpCli": "/usr/bin/php",
        "phpIni": null,
        "swfExtract": "/opt/swftools/bin/swfextract",
        "pdf2swf": "/opt/swftools/bin/pdf2swf",
        "swfRender": "/opt/swftools/bin/swfrender",
        "unoconv": "/usr/bin/unoconv",
        "ffmpeg": "/usr/bin/ffmpeg",
        "ffprobe": "/usr/bin/ffprobe",
        "mp4box": "/usr/bin/MP4Box",
        "pdftotext": "/usr/bin/pdftotext",
        "pdfmaxpages": 5
      "mainConfiguration": {
        "viewBasAndCollName": null,
        "chooseExportTitle": false,
        "defaultExportTitle": "title",
        "socialTools": "publishers"
      "modules": {
        "thesaurus": true,
        "storyMode": true,
        "docSubsitution": true,
        "subdefSubstitution": true
      "email": {
        "defaultMailAddress": "",
        "smtp": {
          "active": false,
          "auth": false,
          "host": null,
          "port": null,
          "secure": "ssl",
          "user": "alchemy",
          "password": "amtfr23i30"
      "custom-links": [
          "linkName": "Phraseanet store",
          "linkLanguage": "all",
          "linkUrl": "",
          "linkLocation": "help-menu",
          "linkOrder": 1,
          "linkBold": false,
          "linkColor": ""
      "ftp": {
        "active": false,
        "activeForUser": false
      "client": {
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        "tabSearchMode": null,
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        "tabTopicsPosition": null,
        "tabOngActifPosition": null,
        "renderTopicsMode": null,
        "displayRolloverPreview": null,
        "displayRolloverBasket": null,
        "collRenderMode": null,
        "viewSizeBaket": null,
        "clientAutoShowProposals": null,
        "needAuth2DL": true
      "inscription": {
        "autoSelectDB": true,
        "autoRegister": false
      "push": {
        "validationReminder": null,
        "expirationValue": 10