Phraseanet has a task manager to realize asynchronous operations.
This different task are managed by a Scheduler.
You will find in the Scheduler context menu what you need to start, stop, watch logs of the tasks.
If you want to start and stop the Scheduler automatically, for example with cron, you can use KonsoleKommander and find the right command :
bin/console scheduler:start
bin/console scheduler:stop
bin/console scheduler:state
bin/console task:run
It indexes the datas with phraseanet_indexer.
Indexer requires parameters :
/usr/local/bin/phraseanet_indexer -h=host \
-P=port \
-b=database \
-u=user \
-p=password \
--socket=13800 \
--default-character-set=utf8 \
This task is required for common Phraseanet use
This task creates sub-definitions (thumbnails and preview).
This task is required for common Phraseanet use
This tasks writes metadatas inside the document, depending of the configuration you set up.
This task watch a HotFolder and archive its content in a Collection.
For security reasons, you have to write an empty .phrasea.xml file at the root of the HotFolder.
This tasks will upload your FTP export. It requires the activation of FTP export.
This tasks fetch data from FTP repository to a local storage. It can be combined with an archive task to fetch datas.
This tasks do some actions (move to collection or chaneg status) on records depending of their status or some date fields.