Config.yml is the mail configuration file for Phraseanet. You can setup environments in it and select the one you want to use with the “environment” var.
It uses the Yaml format, which is easily understandable and human compatible.
This file requires two blocks.
In the following example, the “dev” environment is selected and we find the declaration of this environment below.
#config.yml environment: dev dev: phraseanet: servername: '' maintenance: false debug: true display_errors: true database: main_connexion template_engine: twig_debug orm: doctrine_dev cache: array_cache opcodecache: array_cache
Let’s detail environment structure :
Services are setup in the service.yml file.
Connexions.yml stores named connections. These connections are shared among services (Phraseanet, ORM, ...)
#connexions.yml main_connexion: host: localhost port: 3306 user: phrasea_engine password: s3cr3t dbname: applicationBox driver: pdo_mysql charset: UTF8
- host: MySQL server address
- port: MySQL server port
- user: MySQL user
- password: MySQL password
- dbname: Database name (application box)
- driver: Driver name see complete liste
- charset: connection encoding
Service.yml describes services. These are callable from config.yml
You will find a sample on services file in config/services.sample.yml.
Four main groups of services are available in Phraseanet : ORM, TemplateEngine, Log, and Cache.
Here’s the default structure of a service
ServiceGroupe: ServiceName: type: Namespace\Classe options: parameter1: value parameter2: value
A service requires a type which is the PHP class to load. Array parameters is optionnel and depends of the service.
Let’s see what are the options you can find in Phraseanet services :
Here’s doctrine_dev service :
#services.yml Orm: doctrine_dev: type: Orm\Doctrine options: debug: true dbal: test_connexion cache: query: service: Cache\array_cache result: service: Cache\array_cache metadata: service: Cache\array_cache log: service: Log\query_logger
- debug : Switch to debug mode
- dbal : The name of a connection in connexions.yml
- cache : Cache option parameters
- query : service Cache\array_cache (see below)
- result : service Cache\array_cache (see below)
- metadata : service Cache\apc_cache (see below)
- log : service Log\query_logger (see below)
See also
For more informations about doctrine caching systems>
Here’s twig_prod
#services.yml TemplateEngine: twig_prod: type: TemplateEngine\Twig options: debug: false charset: utf-8 strict_variables: false autoescape: true optimizer: true
debug : Switch to debug mode
charset : Template engine internal character encoding
strict_variable : Stop rendering on unknown vars (for developers)
autoescape: adds automatic output escaping.
optimizer : Switch to optimizer mode
See also
For more details on Twig environement options <>
Here’s Doctrine Monolog log service. This service can only be use to log Doctrine activity.
#services.yml Log: query_logger: type: Log\Doctrine\Monolog options: output: json channel: query-logger handler: rotate max_day: 2 filename: doctrine-query.log
- output : Choose output format. Available mods.
- channel : Channel’s name used by the logger service. It’s a way to identify on which part of the application the log entry is related on.
- handler : Attribute a specific handler for the log service.
- stream : Store logs into a single file.
- rotate : Stores logs to files that are rotated every day and a limited number of files are kept.
- filename: File’s name.
- max_day : Specify in days the frequency operated on files for the rotated handler.
#services.yml Cache: array_cache: type: Cache\ArrayCache
#services.yml Cache: apc_cache: type: Cache\ApcCache
#services.yml Cache: xcache_cache: type: Cache\XcacheCache
#services.yml Cache: memcache_cache: type: Cache\MemcacheCache options: host: localhost port: 11211
Suggested values are help to edit your documents. You can edit it and find it ack in the editing of document
Collection logo
Watermark file is a picture that will be used to watermark previews for users.
This allows to add a stamp on picture. To fully use this feature :
- Add your stamp logo
- Go into collection settings
- Click “XML view”, edit the XML, and add a “stamp” node as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <baseprefs> /** * .... */ <stamp> <logo position="left" width="25%"/> <text size="50%">Titre: <field name="SujetTitre"/></text> <text size="50%">Legende: <field name="Legende"/></text> <text size="50%">Copyright: <field name="Copyright"/></text> <text size="50%">Date : <field name="Date"/></text> </stamp> </baseprefs>