Konsole Kommander

Konsole Kommander is a commandline tool to manage Phraseanet. It is simple to use :

php bin/console

You will see something like :

Available commands:
  help                       Displays help for a command
  list                       Lists commands
  about:authors              List authors and contributors
  about:license              This program license
  scheduler:start            Start the scheduler
  scheduler:state            Get scheduler state
  scheduler:stop             Stop the scheduler
  system:backupDB            Backup Phraseanet Databases
  system:clearCache          Empty cache directories, clear Memcached, Redis if available
  system:configCheck         Check the configuration
  system:templateGenerator   Generate template files
  system:upgrade             Upgrade Phraseanet to the lastest version
  task:list                  List tasks
  task:run                   Run task

Commands are listed

To get some halp about a command :

php bin/console help CommandName

Table Of Contents